Produkt zum Begriff The-Colour-And-The:
Outsmarting Social Media: Profiting in the Age of Friendship Marketing
The war is on. The titanic battle between Google and Facebook has begun—and you can use it to earn more profits! In this book, Evan Bailyn reveals how to attract friendship-based recommendations that will motivate customers more than any ad or algorithm. Bailyn explains how today’s Internet titans are battling to control the future of search and social media, and shows how to use their newest innovations to supercharge your marketing. Packed with case studies from Bailyn’s pioneering clients, Outsmarting Social Media offers detailed predictions, careful analysis, and—above all—practical techniques. Read it, get ready for the future, and start reaping the rewards! You’ll Learn How To: • Discover where search and social media are headed, and what it means to you • Implement strategies that work right now–and will work even better in the future • Begin profiting from friendships, personal relationships, and tastemakers • Start using today’s new currency of trust: likes, comments, retweets, shares, and video responses • Use social discovery to deliver messages with stunning personal relevance • Master the “Search and Sell” method for profitingfrom real-time search • Sell through personalized recommendations delivered straight to smartphones • Build your business with Foursquare and Facebook Places check-ins • Learn effective, low-risk ways to use Groupon-style “daily deals” • Mine cash from social data in entertainment, beauty, shopping, food, travel, health, and other verticals • Prepare for emerging shifts in pay-per-click, organic SEO, and web display ad markets • Preview tomorrow’s most exciting new social players, platforms, products, and services
Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Definitive Guide to Entertainment Marketing, The: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World
Entertainment Marketing NOW: Every Platform, Technology, and Opportunity Covers film, cable, broadcast, music, sports, publishing, social media, gaming, and more Reflects powerful trends ranging from smartphones to globalization Demonstrates breakthrough strategies integrating advertising, promotion, PR, and online content distribution By industry insiders with decades of experience as leaders and consultants Entertainment spending is soaring worldwide, driven by new technologies, new platforms, new business models, and unrelenting demand amongst seven billion consumers. That means entertainment marketing opportunities are soaring, too. But this business is more complex and competitive than ever–and it’s changing at breakneck speed. Now, two leading practitioners show how to transform content into profits today and tomorrow…any content, on any platform, in any market, worldwide. You’ll master innovative new ways to grab consumers’ attention and wallets fast…make your experiences wannasee, haftasee, mustsee…drive more value through social platforms, mobile technologies, and integrated marketing strategies…overcome challenges ranging from bad buzz to piracy…fully leverage licensing, merchandising, and sponsorships…and successfully market all forms of entertainment.
Preis: 21.39 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media
If you have a website, a blog, or even a Facebook or Twitter presence, you are a publisher. Think like one: build a digital content strategy that embraces words, images and multimedia to systematically enhance consumer engagement and conversion rates. In Content Marketing, world-renowned digital content expert Rebecca Lieb offers all the detailed, actionable guidance you'll need. Lieb guides you through planning what you'll say online, how and where you'll say it, how often you'll communicate, and how you'll measure your effectiveness. She offers practical guidance for "listening" to conversations about your brand, products, and services, responding more effectively, and effectively informing those conversations. You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and of course, your website. Lieb drills down to offer detailed, actionable advice for issues such as choosing distribution channels making sure you don't run out of things to say making your content "findable" promoting two-way dialogue. Using her techniques, you can market far more effectively and personally build loyalty as you inform and entertain customers and reduce or even eliminate advertising costs. Think about it: why buy media when, today, you are the media?
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
New Marketing Playbook, The
"A must-have book for anyone interested in marketing to learn, step by step, how marketing is actually done." Jaideep Prabhu, Professor of Marketing at the Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge University"This book is a great read that will help you add value to your business, customers and partners like no other. It guides you through the latest tools and techniques and breaks them down into simple to use templates that you can apply to your marketing activities." Margaret Jobling, Chief Marketing Officer of NatWest GroupWe are living in a period of hyper-change; economic shocks, political upheavals, natural disasters, and global health pandemics are part of normal' life. Existing marketing models are designed for a business as usual mode so how do you prepare for this new environment?You need The New Marketing Playbook: a dynamic set of action-oriented marketing tools, techniques and principles to keep you at the top of your marketing game. With its easy to understand and actionable marketing framework, your organisation will be able to navigate a dynamic and changing environment in order to grow and thrive.It's a must have' playbook you can keep coming back to that combines theory, practise, insights, and case studies that will help transform your marketing activities to unearth undiscovered insights about your customers. It will also help you develop new propositions and customer experiences to meet their needs, create compelling communication and engagement strategies, and measure and improve your marketing with a roadmap of strategies your organisation should take.What got us here, won't take us there. Discover The New Marketing Playbook.
Preis: 17.11 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ja, "The Fast and the Furious" und "The Fast and Furious" sind dasselbe.
Ja, "The Fast and the Furious" und "The Fast and Furious" sind dasselbe. Der erste Film der Reihe wurde ursprünglich als "The Fast and the Furious" veröffentlicht, während die späteren Filme den Titel "The Fast and Furious" tragen. Trotz des leichten Unterschieds im Titel handelt es sich um dieselbe Filmreihe, die sich um Autos, Action und Spannung dreht.
Ist Florence and the Machine queer? - Ist Florence and the Machine queer?
Florence Welch, die Frontfrau von Florence and the Machine, hat sich selbst als bisexuell identifiziert. Sie hat in Interviews über ihre sexuelle Orientierung gesprochen und sich offen zu ihrer Queerness bekannt. Daher kann man sagen, dass Florence and the Machine queer ist, da die Band von einer queeren Person geleitet wird.
Muss man Snow White and the Huntsman gesehen haben, um The Huntsman and the Ice Queen anzuschauen?
Nein, man muss Snow White and the Huntsman nicht gesehen haben, um The Huntsman and the Ice Queen anzuschauen. Obwohl The Huntsman and the Ice Queen eine Fortsetzung von Snow White and the Huntsman ist, kann man den Film auch ohne Vorkenntnisse genießen. Die Handlung und Charaktere werden ausreichend erklärt, sodass man problemlos in die Geschichte eintauchen kann. Es ist jedoch empfehlenswert, beide Filme zu sehen, um ein besseres Verständnis für die Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge zu bekommen.
Wo kann man The Fast and the Furious sehen?
Man kann "The Fast and the Furious" auf verschiedenen Streaming-Plattformen wie Netflix, Amazon Prime Video oder Disney+ sehen. Alternativ kann man den Film auch auf DVD oder Blu-ray kaufen oder in einer Online-Videothek ausleihen. Außerdem wird der Film gelegentlich im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt, vor allem bei Spartensendern wie TNT Film oder ProSieben Maxx.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für The-Colour-And-The:
Social Marketing
Social marketing is receiving unprecedented focus and support from government, the private sector and charities internationally. Social marketing attempts to educate people in the hope that they will make ‘informed’(i.e. healthy) choices regarding diet, lifestyle and health related issues. The effective application of social marketing principles can be complex and controversial. Social marketing planning cannot be reduced to a simple set of actions on a checklist; there is no single strategy for success and strategies that have proved successful with one population may not transfer to other populations. This text will explore the complexities involved in researching, planning and implementing effective social marketing programmes, using illustrative cases from both successful and unsuccessful real-world programmes. The authors provide a critical analysis of the origins of social marketing as a concept and of the claims made by its supporters and detractors in order to highlight what social marketing can and cannot achieve. This is followed by a review of strategic issues that must be considered in developing social marketing programmes, including persuasion resistance, message relevance and message framing. Key themes included in the text are the impact of cultural factors on health-related behaviours, ethical issues and attitudes as a key factor underlying health-related behaviours. The authors introduce concepts, theories and strategies that will aid the development, testing and implementation of social marketing interventions. The book is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of business and marketing and those studying modules in social marketing. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance
Now updated with new techniques and even more practical insights, this is the definitive guide to today’s most valuable marketing metrics. Four leading marketing researchers help you choose the right metrics for every challenge, and use models and dashboards to translate numbers into real management insight. Marketing Metrics: The Manager’s Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Third Edition now contains: Important new coverage of intangible assets A rigorous and practical discussion of quantifying the value of information More detail on measuring brand equity A complete separate chapter on web, SEM, mobile, and "digital" metrics Practical linkages to Excel, showing how to use functions and Excel Solver to analyze marketing metrics An up-to-date survey of free metrics available from Google and elsewhere Expanded coverage of methodologies for quantifying marketing ROI The authors show how to use marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and "triangulate" to optimal solutions. You’ll discover high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing: promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors’ power; margins and pricing; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces, channels, and more. For every metric, the authors present real-world pros, cons, and tradeoffs — and help you understand what the numbers really mean. Last but not least, they show you how to build comprehensive models to support planning — and optimize every marketing decision you make. Marketing Metrics, Third Edition will be invaluable to all marketing executives, practitioners, analysts, consultants, and advanced students interested in quantifying marketing performance.
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Pauliks, Kevin: Meme Marketing in Social Media
Meme Marketing in Social Media , Meme Marketing ist zu einer gängigen Medienpraxis in der Werbewirtschaft geworden. Viele Unternehmen werben in den Sozialen Medien mit Memes, um Aufmerksamkeit für ihre Marken, Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu generieren sowie zu signalisieren, dass sie zur digitalen Medienkultur dazugehören. Die Verwendung von Memes ist allerdings risikobehaftet. Wenn Werbende nicht über die Medienpraktiken des Memeing Bescheid wissen, besteht die Gefahr, dass sie Memes falsch verwenden und von ihrer Zielgruppe verlacht oder ausgeschlossen werden. Subkulturen auf Plattformen wie Reddit achten penibel darauf, ihre Medienkultur vor Außenstehenden zu schützen. Werbende stehen dort unter Verdacht, Memes nur für Profite auszunutzen. Wie verhält sich nun das anti-kommerzielle Produzieren, Zirkulieren und Rezipieren von Memes in den Sozialen Medien zur visuellen Verwendung von Memes in der Werbung? Diese Frage beantwortet Kevin Pauliks in acht medienpraxeografischen Proben, die den Unterschied von Memeing und Meme Marketing untersuchen und anhand unterschiedlicher Marken wie IKEA, Gucci, Siemens, Sixt aufzeigen, wie Memes in der Werbung verwendet werden. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 32.00 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Pflüger, Gero: Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies
Social-Media-Marketing für Dummies , Kein Zweifel: Über soziale Medien erreichen Sie Ihre Kunden authentisch und persönlich. Allerdings ist die Komplexität von Social-Media-Marketing hoch und die Gefahr groß, Zeit und Geld in den Sozialen Medien zu verpulvern. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen einfachen Leitfaden an die Hand, mit dem Sie erfolgreich im Social Web werben. Profitieren Sie von der Erfahrung des Autors: Gero Pflüger zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Wunschkunden finden, Ihre Ziele definieren, eine Marketingstrategie passend zu Ihren Ressourcen planen, Ihren Erfolg messen und Ihren Arbeitseinsatz optimieren. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 26.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Animes ähneln Josee, the Tiger and the Fish?
Animes, die Josee, the Tiger and the Fish ähneln, könnten Filme wie A Silent Voice oder Your Lie in April sein. Diese Animes haben auch emotionale Geschichten über Liebe, Verlust und persönliches Wachstum. Sie zeichnen sich durch tiefgründige Charaktere und eine berührende Handlung aus, die den Zuschauer zum Nachdenken anregen. Fans von Josee, the Tiger and the Fish könnten daher auch diese Animes genießen.
In welchem Bundesstaat spielt "The Fast and the Furious"?
"The Fast and the Furious" spielt hauptsächlich in Kalifornien, insbesondere in Los Angeles. Es gibt jedoch auch Szenen, die in anderen Bundesstaaten wie Arizona und New Mexico gedreht wurden.
Ist "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" eine Fortsetzung?
Ja, "The Falcon and The Winter Soldier" ist eine Fortsetzung der Geschichten der Charaktere Falcon (Sam Wilson) und Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) aus den Marvel-Filmen. Die Serie setzt die Ereignisse aus den Filmen fort und zeigt, wie die beiden Charaktere mit den Auswirkungen von "Avengers: Endgame" umgehen.
Wie fandet ihr The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift?
Ich bin ein Sprach-KI-Modell und habe keine persönliche Meinung. Aber viele Fans der Fast and Furious-Reihe fanden Tokyo Drift aufgrund der actiongeladenen Drift-Rennen und der einzigartigen Kulisse von Tokio sehr unterhaltsam. Einige mochten auch die Einführung neuer Charaktere und die frische Herangehensweise an die Handlung. Allerdings gab es auch Kritik an der Abwesenheit einiger beliebter Charaktere aus den vorherigen Filmen. Insgesamt war die Meinung über Tokyo Drift unter den Fans gemischt.
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